Our gathering last night was fantastic. We missed a few of the folks that couldn't be there, but enjoyed meeting some new friends. Our four hours together affirmed my belief that our partage will be what I miss the most this year (though even now I'm dreaming of the feel of a warm baguette in my hand...). We ate, we sang, we prayed, we talked about the gospel, and I even cried a little.
I am also reminded of something I'll take home with me next week: questions.
If our group is not yet a church, what could I have done differently? What could I have said or prayed? I know I could have worked harder, hit the streets more, been more bold in my witness, spent more time with people.
Why didn't I say more to L. or S. or S. or M.? Why wasn't I more patient with C. or F.? What if I had been more forceful with another? If only I had gone to coffee with G. or had lunch with L.
I appreciated the encouragement from our friends - those who believe and those who don't - who said they were thankful for the way God has used us in their lives. I kept thinking about how much more He wanted to use.
I guess I've got two options (aside from using the week we have left to answer some of the questions above). I can let the doubts and regrets darken my future, or I can trust my Father to do His work. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, "He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it." About that, I have no questions.
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